Delicious Food
It's been 4 weeks since I blogged about deciding to give up being my own worst enemy and I have made so many changes since then. What started off as a little challenge has really began to blossom into a lifestyle overhaul. 2014 began as a very stressful year for me but it's starting to change for the better, I'm working on improving my lifestyle and it feels great. Lately I've embraced lots of changes that I thought I didn't have time for or where too cliched to actually work. I've gotten into fitness in a big way for me; I've started boxfit, running, youtube workouts and yoga. I'm improving my diet, spending more time in nature and treating myself. I've also taken up doing a good deed everyday, gratitude diary and the #100happyday challenge. 2014 will be a year of getting fitter and healthier, having fun and adventures, and surrounding myself with pretty things and positivity. Today I worked out for half an hour, did yoga, spent time with family and sketched for the first time in at least a year. In the next few months I'll be doing a series of posts on how I'm working on getting: Fitter, Healthier, Happier and Less Stressed to share my progress and what's working for me. Starting a new project like this is surprisingly fun and I'm pinteresting ideas like crazy! Anyways, I thought I'd share some instagram pics of my month since I began my little project hope you like them.
Happy Sunday xox
This is such an inspiring post! Your blog is great and I have followed you with Bloglovin and Google Friend connect. If you ever get a chance to look at my blog I would be delighted! I post about fashion, beauty and food. Thanks!
lovely post.I like your insta pics too. thanks for sharing