Saturday, January 30, 2010

Love is in the air

Valentines day doesn't just have to be for couples, my picks for valentines day would be perfect for those loved up and for anyone who'd like a little treat for themselves, or for family and friends who are close to their heart. Once again I'm displaying my not very secrective love of etsy.
How to say I love you for less at etsy:
At Jennifer Ramos of Made by Girl etsy's store ( I found this adorable print for only $9.50. It's perfect for treating someone or hanging in your own home, I'd love it as a girly touch to my own room.


Friday, January 29, 2010

Favourite finds of the week

Here's a little collection of the things I'm going mad for this week. A little mixture of things that are affordable, adorable and inspirational.
Starting with Etsy and Who's the Fairest ( I am in love with her clutch bags made from new and vintage fabrics. This clutch is made from fabric which is 100% imported Japanese Kimono fabric. The bag is completely handmade and best of all it's now on sale down from 50 dollars to 25.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Trend: Over the knee socks


Friday, January 22, 2010

Rest and Relaxation

Three weeks of exams have at last come to an end and I am in dire need of some serious rest and relaxation. Hundreds upon hundreds of pages of notes written, so many galazy bars and cups of tea consumed I lost count and getting to be a princess on my birthday all passed by in the last few weeks. It's time for a breather I think, curling up with a galazy cookie crumble, in a comfy tracksuit,lighting some soothing candles and deciding what I what my inspiration for 2010 is to be....

Saturday, January 2, 2010


I've been absent for a lil while and am wishing you all a belated Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year. This was the best Christmas and defiantly the busiest it just flew. Hopefully 2010 won't be as hectic!I won't break into a summary of 2009 because a) I don't take a great deal of photos so I won't be able to show you my year gone by and b) its all about the present and future baby! I've high hopes for 2010, as anyone in Ireland and across the world to be honest, will know we could do with a break from the doom doom doom in the news what with the miserable weather and the disastrous economy. Its time for a new year and some new GOOD news. Despite the negative spin that has been placed on 09 it wasn't all bad and I've plenty to be thankful for.
Leaving 2009 and entering 2010 I'm thankful for:
My amazing family and friends xox
My health and home
Having a bf/fiancee that makes me happy and laugh every single day

Great housemates
A lovely end to 2009 dinner out with bf in my favourite favourite restaurant to get my favourite desert and half falling asleep watching black blooks in front of the fire.
The generosity of the people around me this Christmas. I can't believe how lucky I was this xmas here's a selection of some of the beautiful things i was given:

And best of all my bf got me little pigs from oxfam for Africa I am over the moon!

Bring on 2010, I never ever keep new year resolutions so instead I have 'hopes' for the new year: Travel, pass all my college exams, and spend as much time as I can with those I love.
I promise to post more now that life's starting to be a little less hectic, I have so much to share; new outfits, new websites to help make thrifty Eco conscious choices, hopefully new places, new artwork and a whole new year.
Starting of 2010:
Listening to: Pearl Jam The fixer, Bruce Springsteen Tougher than the Rest, The Wrestler and Secret Garden, Foo Fighters Wheels, Micheal Buble Haven't met you yet and Crazy Love and Rolling Stones Wild Horses.
Wearing: The comfiest warmest clothes I own it's freezing! That means PJ's, tracksuit bottoms and my bfs hoodies, woolly socks and ugg boots
Reading: Science Text Books Exams very very soon
Watching: Bridget Jones one and two and Come Dine With me repeats
Wishing for: snow

P.s. I miss Christmas already
Images property of Thriftylilpixie except for oxfam piglet sourced from oxfam's website and final image, unsure of artist if you know please tell me beacause I love her work.
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