Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Saturday, April 27, 2013
High Shine
Is that summer I see? No need for a jumper, or coat or scarf today, so incredible to feel the warm sun and just relax. Today is a work free day, no thinking about it, planning it or worrying about it. It's a lie in day, mikado eating day and watching episode after episode of Made In Chelsea day. I am obsessed with Made In Chelsea and Parks and Recreation at the moment, both are hilarious in such different ways. Parks and Recreation is laugh out loud, tears running down your face funny, watch it! Tomorrow, I'm off to Dublin for the day to see a friend I haven't seen in ages, so excited to find something new to do in Dublin, any suggestions?
I love wearing this outfit, it's so comfy and sparkly. Leggings and loose layered tees are my go to wardrobe stables, but throw in a few diamante and it's way more fun. I've become such a magpie lately when shopping, I bought the embellished t shirt in H&M for €9.99 I think. It's alot better quality then I expected, I've been wearing it every week since I bought it and to my surprise none of the diamonds have come loose. The statement necklace from Primark (€5) is another recent purchase, I can't believe it took me so long to get one of these. There is such a great selection of statement necklaces on the high street right now, I love how they instantly make any outfit look different, I want to invest in a selection of these for the summer to throw on with simple tops and maxi dresses.
T shirt- H&M,
Leggings -Present from sister
Necklace- Primark
Bag-borrowed from mum
Converse-Won in Glamour Magazine competition, signed by Katy Perry
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Friday, April 5, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Recap: 22 Before 23
Now that I am the ripe old age of 23, it's time for a 23 before 24 list to encourage me to start more new adventures and achieve more goals. Firstly though let's have a recap of my progress on my 22 before 23 list to see how I've fared. While I've only achieved 8 of the goals, they were some of the most important ones so I'm actually really happy with how I've done.
22 before 23
- Finish my undergraduate degree: Done, graduating was amazing! See post on this here
- Start my postgrad: Yep, nearly a year in now, time goes so so fast!
- Get my full driver's licence: Got it a few months ago, I was really shocked and happy when I passed.
- Buy my first car: Found my perfect car on my birthday, meant to be or what??
- Go to my grad ball: Yep, such an incredible night with the best friends you could ask for, read about it here.
- Improve my sewing skills: Didn't do anything about this one...
- Learn to bake chocolate fudge cake: I did learn to make Rocky Road and it was yummy so I reckon it's not so bad!
- Visit the Giant's Causeway: No, kind of disappointed about this one but I'm sure I will in time.
- See Bruce Springsteen live: Yes did this in the summer, it was the best concert I have ever ever been to! See the pics here
- Send 22 letter/cards/postcards: Not even nearly, I sent ONE Christmas card, but it was sent to Australia so surely that gets me extra points??
- Make a patchwork quilt with my sister: Emmm..No
- Visit Scotland: Meant to be going this September so I'll move that to my 23 before 24 list instead.
- Write a Bucket list: In progress...
- Buy a new laptop: Yes, I love my new laptop, my old one was my first and was 7 years old so you can imagine how much a difference the new one is.
- Go camping: Nope, the weather is just so cold most of the time!
- Train to walk the Camino de Santiago: I did take up doing Youtube exercise videos but it's going to take alot more than that!
- Donate blood again: I HAVE to get back to doing this.
- Go to Francis Bacon exhibition at The Hugh Lane Gallery: Need to do this soon, it's meant to be amazing.
- Learn to make jam: I ate jam..
- See a new play: Not a single one
- Go surfing: No but that probably wasn't going to happen, I am very rarely near the sea.
- Worry less :): This has definitely happened, I do have plenty of pressures and worries but I'm learning to sweat the small stuff less.
I have achieved a few goals I'm really proud of so I can't wait to share my 24 Before 25 list, once I've finished thinking of 24 things! Do you set these kind of goals, did you achieve many?
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Primark: Tuxedo Nails
I got these Primark Tuxedo pattern false nails for Christmas and I loved them! Priced at €1.50 (£1), they are cheap, cheerful and really easy to apply. They're the perfect quirky party nail, a style sported by Zooey Deschanel at the 2012 Golden Globes. In the packet you get 24 nails and adhesive to apply them. I wore them over the holidays and it was 4 days before any fell off, the black print fades a little quicker however, but I was surprised at how long and well they lasted. Primark fashion nails come in loads of patterns, like a gold and black zebra print or plain red. I can't recommend them enough for their price, you can have so much fun with them and wear them as a full set or just as a statement nail. Have you given them a try, what did you think?
Friday, January 11, 2013
Saturday, January 5, 2013
2012: An Amazing Year
2012 has been an incredible year for me, I graduated with a degree, started a PhD, got my driver's licence, visited new places, meet great people and generally enjoyed myself loads! I've grown alot in the last year and I can't wait to see what 2013 has to offer. I have to admit it wasn't a great year for blogging, but at the end of the year I got really stuck into work and that had to be my priority. Anyway I'm back with a bang, with new stories to share, new bargains and beautiful pieces I've collected over the last few months, not to mention new years resolutions to get stuck into! But before that all begins it's time to recap on a great year, I love reading all the blog posts of people's highlights of their year and their year in outfits. Here's just a few highlights:
My Birthday with my amazing friends, family and boyfriend
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