Saturday, March 24, 2012

Spring in your step


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

11 Random Facts About Me

I was tagged by the lovely pixie of Pixie's Productive Pod to share 11 facts about myself and answer 11 questions. It's a great idea and an excellent way to share a little about yourself with your readers. The rules are: post these rules, share 11 random things about yourself, answer the 11 questions set for you, create 11 new questions and then tag others to answer them. Check out Pixie's blog and her answers at

11 random facts about me:

1. I'm a little nerdy. Blogging and fashion loving aside I'm actually a nerd at heart, I study Biology and spend my days in a lab in a huge white coat and gloves (so stylish!). My dream is to pursue a research career in Microbiology.

2. I love pigs! I really do think pigs are adorable and I collect pig themed everything: teddys, piggy banks (I have 9), mugs, ornaments, jewelry, calenders, hats (yes a hat shaped like a pigs head), you name it. I always get them as gifts, in fact one of favourite ever presents was a oxfam pig from my boyfriend. I'd love an actual pet pig someday although I don't think anywhere I'll rent right now will be cool with that!

3. I have loved fashion since I was a little girl, I remember always looking at my mum's Vogue, Hello and OK magazines. I used to collect pictures of Princess Diana because I thought her outfits were so stylish!

4. I hate Lilies, they're my least favourite flowers, there so popular at celebrations, especially white ones at weddings but I think they smell horrible! White roses all the way :)

5. I love music biographies. I read Mötley Crüe Dirt on holidays in Italy and that got me really interested in them, next I read Scar Tissue Anthony Kiedis autobiography, and right now I'm on Kurt Cobain's Biography Heavier Than Heaven. I have to read Ozzy Osbourne's, I just know it will top them all.

6. When I find a food I love I eat it constantly until I get bored of it, Bruschetta is a case in point, I had it for dinner for weeks in first year of college and I get it in every restaurant I eat at when it's on the menu. Another phase was salad mix sandwiches and hot dogs. I'm getting hungry just writing this!

7. I love relaxing with girly TV after a long day; Gossip girl, The OC, New Girl, Rules of Engagement, Geordie Shore and not so girly TV; The Big Bang Theory, Man Vs Food...

8. Some day I want to go on a road trip across America in a pink hippie van, a girl can dream!

9. Crisp and mayonnaise sandwiches are my ultimate lazy day snack, try it with a big cup of tea you won't regret it

10. I'm a big child at heart, one of my best adventures was a trip to Disneyland Paris with my boyfriend for my ahem 21st birthday. Your never too old to enjoy Disneyland or Minnie Mouse ears or Mickey Mouse ear shaped chocolate chip cookies...

11. I'm a true romantic, I'm a sucker for Valentine's day and Rom Coms with a happy ending :)

Now for Pixie's 11 questions for me:

1.If you could live on one food for the rest of your life..What would it be and why?

I would live on Bruschetta simply because I love it and it's got vitamins from the tomatoes so it can't be too bad a choice

2.If you where in a time-machine, what time would you travel to and why?
The 60s, for the fashion and music of the time and to go to Woodstock

3.If you were to star in a movie what movie would it be and why?
Almost famous, it is hands down my favourite film. I love the story, the soundtrack and of course Zooey Deschanel and Kate Hudson both star in it so I'd get to meet them!

4.What is your favorite piece of clothing in your closet?
I don't think I have a favourite piece, I have several items I wear a lot like my River Island leggings and floral dresses. I am particularly sentimental about anything my mum has made for me so I would say that my debs dress is my favourite. It's a black and fitted to the knee then it ends in a fishtail in black lace.

5.Do you occasionally read your horoscope. What is your star-sign?
I don't really read my horoscope to be honest

6.What is your favourite most-read magazine?
Glamour magazine first and foremost but I also love British Vogue when I want to treat myself

7.What is your latest purchase you have made?
A blue and green feather hair clip from Primark for €1 in terms of fashion purchase. In terms of any purchase at all it was a Galaxy Orange Bubble Bar yummy

8.What beauty product do you swear by?

Hoola bronzer by Benefit, but I don't wear makeup on a daily basis

9.What is your goal to achieve this year?

My biggest goal for the year is to graduate with a science degree, I'm so excited about achieving this goal!
10.What is your favorite hobby?
Blogging and reading my favourite blogs is my fav hobby, it's so in spring to see all the talented, stylish and witty bloggers out there having their say
11.What are you most likely to find inside your casual bag?
My phone, chocolate, red organiser/diary, hair bobbins, perfume, pencil case, money and bottle of water. If I'm heading to college there'll also be notebooks thrown in there

My 11 questions:

1. Why did you start blogging?
2. What is your favourite thing about blogging?
3. What is your dream career?
4. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
5. What was your biggest adventure?
6. Who in the world would you most like to meet?
7. What blogs to you check daily for inspiration?
8. What is your best thrifty tip?
9. Have you got any hidden talents?
10. What do you love to do in your spare time?
11. Who is your style icon?

I tag whoever is interested in letting their followers get to know them better. Let me know if your going to answer the questions so I can read your answers :)

P.s. Image property of thriftylilpixie. Follow thriftylilpixie on Blogspot and Bloglovin'


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Lace and Ribbons


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Midnight in Paris

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