Saturday, October 6, 2012

Diamonds and Bows


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Graduation Ball


Sunday, September 16, 2012



Friday, August 31, 2012

An Instant Outfit Update


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Snapshots of Life

Baby chicks in the garden

Monday, August 6, 2012

Slouchy Knits


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Savy Sale Shopping

Loving a bargain means I love a good sale. Unfortunately many many sales are so disappointing, with items with rips or stains, or in other cases the discounts are nothing to write home about. During a girly day out with my mum, we hit the Zara and TK Max sales and picked up some bargains. I got the most amazing fragranced soaps in TK Max to brighten up my bathroom, priced in the sale at 3 soaps for €4. My mum got some really nice bits in the household section, I love all their baking stuff, they have great cookie cutters and mixing bowls. Next we tried the Zara sale and I was over the moon to find the perfect dress for my upcoming graduation. This navy dress was priced down from €40 to €15, it's so comfy and cute, I can't wait to wear it. The heels weren't purchased in the sales, they're €29 from New Look, I got them to wear to my grad too. A graduation outfit for less than €50, a definite bargain :). I'm no expert when it comes to fashion or shopping but I have a few rules I use for sale shopping so I don't lose money in the long run.

Tips for Savy Sale Shopping

  • Beware the bargain that isn't. Just because it's on sale, doesn't mean you need it. If it doesn't fit you correctly, doesn't suit you or you have no where to wear it than ultimately your losing money.
  • Always try it on. It's easy to get caught up in the rush of the sales but it's important to try things on before you part with your money.
  • Buy basics. Sales are a great time to stock up on everyday basics like simple tees, jeans, cardigans and underwear. 
  • Don't just stick to clothes. Accessories are the perfect way to restyle the clothes you already own; handbags, jewellery, scarfs, shoes are all great items to buy in sales because they will help you get the max out of your wardrobe.
  • Make a plan. Before you hit the sales, search through your wardrobe and find the gaps you want to fill.
  • Why is it on sale? Check your desired item for tears, stains, burst zips etc. If it's not something you can fix don't buy it. 
  • Bring a friend. It's easy to get carried away with slashed prices all around, so bring someone who will be honest about if something suits you. 
  • Have fun! Sales are a great place to get what you need for a great price or treat yourself without breaking the bank. 

Hope everyones has had a great weekend. Anyone get great bargains at the sales?

P.s. All images property of thriftylilpixie.



Saturday, July 14, 2012

Snow Patrol


Saturday, June 30, 2012

Book Review: Saved by Cake

I bought "Saved by Cake" by Marian Keyes, as a gift for my mammy as she loves her books, "Further Under the Duvet" is hysterical. Saved by Cake is hands down my favourite desert recipe book I have come across. The great thing about this book is that it's about so much more than just baking, Marian discusses her battle with depression and how baking has helped her. It's honest, witty and the recipes are delicious and you don't need to be a kitchen pro to enjoy them. Every recipe has a story behind it and the food photography is beautiful. Try out the "Shoe and Handbag Biscuits" or the Coca Cola Cake. Also all the Irish royalties will go to the St Vincent de Paul, so it's for a great cause. It's truley a cookbook with a difference and  it can be bought on Amazon right now.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend, I'm baking raspberry and chocolate chip cheese cake with my sister today, can't wait to have a slice with tea! What do you like to bake? What's your favourite cookbook?

P.s. Images not property of thriftylilpixie, Source: Saved by Cake (Marian Keyes)


Monday, June 25, 2012

22 before 23

It's been many months since I turned 22 and I have been meaning to do a 22 before 23 list for ages. It's a list of 22 things to do before I turn 23 next year, these list are all over the blogging world and I've always loved reading them. I've had a mental list of what I want to achieve this year so I have already started to tick some of them off or at least get them started. After I wrote the first ten it took so long to think of the rest, the first four are very time consuming so fitting in 18 more will be tricky!  I love these lists so if you've done one or have some great ideas I'd love to hear them :)

*celebrating my 22nd birthday*

22 Things Before 23

  1. Finish my undergraduate degree
  2. Start my postgrad
  3. Get my full driver's licence
  4. Buy my first car
  5. Go to my grad ball
  6. Improve my sewing skills
  7. Learn to bake chocolate fudge cake
  8. Visit the Giant's Causeway
  9. See Bruce Springsteen live
  10. Send 22 letter/cards/postcards
  11. Make a patchwork quilt with my sister
  12. Visit Scotland
  13. Write a Bucket list
  14. Buy a new laptop
  15. Go camping
  16. Train to walk the Camino de Santiago 
  17. Donate blood again
  18. Go to Francis Bacon exhibition at The Hugh Lane Gallery
  19. Learn to make jam
  20. Go surfing
  21. See a new play
  22. Worry less :)
P.s. Image property of thriftylilpixie



Sunday, June 17, 2012

Trend: Crop Top


Friday, June 1, 2012

Project: Peter Pan Collar Top


Monday, May 28, 2012

Dusty Pink


Sunday, May 27, 2012


It feels amazing to have the free time to just unwind and relax now that study is finished. I'm having a great weekend; gardening, practising my driving, seeing my friends and reading in the sun. I love gardening when I'm at home, planting lots of vegetables, herbs and fruit. It's so relaxing, great exercise and its very rewarding when I can eat the plants I helped grow. All my summer clothes are out of hiding with the incredible weather we're having, I hope it lasts! I wore this outfit shopping with my sister, stocking up on summer shoes from Primark. Dresses like this one have great versatility, I bought this dress last summer and have worn it all year no matter what the weather, with a pair of tights and some boots it's perfect winter wear too.  

Outfit details: Dress (Primark), Ballet pumps (Primark), Sunglasses (Primark). An entire bargain Primark summer outfit!  

Flipflops (Primark, €1.50), Strawberry print flats (Primark, €4) 

I'm off to do some reading in the shade and have an BBQ later on. I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

P.s. All images property of thriftylilpixie


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Summer Sunshine

I have been so busy with my final exams, but at last I am finished! The summer is here, the weather is amazing and my degree is complete. It hasn't fully sunk in yet, so much is going to change, but it is so exciting. I've just been relaxing the last couple of days since finishing, sleeping, sitting in then sun, shopping and going to see The Dictator. Check out my pretty new heels from New Look (€22), planning to break them in tonight celebrating finishing exams. Hope everyone is enjoying the weather, the summer is here :)

Pictures: My outfit today; top (Dunnes Stores), leggings (River Island), flats (Primark), sunglasses (Primark), Oreo cake, New Look heels

P.s. All images property of thriftylilpixie


Friday, May 4, 2012

More Dash Than Cash

Such a busy week! Studying for my final exams, finishing assignments, shopping with my sister... Thankfully the weekend is here! This is what I wore yesterday shopping for the day with my sister and boyfriend. It was a brilliant day, we went to EVERY shop and had dinner in Eddie Rockets and relaxed over tea and orea cake. Not to mention we also saw Jedward creating havoc, climbing up lampposts and on telephone boxes. I then spent the night curled up watching Gossip Girl. The latest episode is insane, I have never seen so much drama and confusion throughout the five seasons, can't wait for the next episode! Although I didn't buy any clothes I did treat myself to new magazines, I was so excited to read Vogue's recession tips but unfortunately their bargains are definitely not my within my budget! Outfit details: Coat (Dorothy Perkins), Dress (Primark), Boots (River Island), Sunglasses (Primark), Cardigan (Primark), Handbag (FCUK).

Have a great weekend :)


Saturday, April 28, 2012

Brighten up your day: Pinata cookies

Where do you buys these? How do you make them? I want some of these pinata cookies, there just the cutest desert I have ever seen! They've made my day and I hope they brighten up yours too!

P.s: Image not property of thriftylilpixie. Image source:


Wednesday, April 25, 2012



Monday, April 23, 2012

Love For Pink


There's nothing more ridiculously girly than splashes of bright pink decorating your space or filling your wardrobe. I am prone to collecting anything bright pink, cute, Hello Kitty or pig related. Here's a few pink, tacky and ultra girly trinkets that decorate my space. It always brightens up my day to be surrounded by bright colourful things. Embrace the girlyness! How do you decorate your space?

-My favourite Hello Kitty mug and a random assortment of pink books-a cherry blossom painting I did a while ago-my heart themed stationary set I got as a lovely gift (you can get them at Tesco for anyone who'd like one-my dresser stuffed with pink-a cupcake piggy bank :)-fairy and dream catcher presents-yes that is a pig hat! I received it as a Christmas present and I keep it hanging on a microphone stand-piggy trinkets!

Hope everyone is having a nice start to the week despite the bleak weather, I have never seen so much hailstones in my life. Wrap up warm with cosy knits and blankets!


Friday, April 13, 2012

I Heart Handmedowns

Just a few days until my final thesis is done, scary! I thought I'd take a quick break to do a blogpost, and having recieved two lovely handmedowns this week I have to share them. Some people can be a bit funny about recieving handmedowns, but I think they're a brilliant way of recycling and recieving something new for free. If you have something good quality that you're tired of why not pass it along to someone who'll get a new enjoyment from them. It's just good clothes karma! My wardrobe is mainly made up of a mix of handmade, River Island, thrifted, Primark and handmedown pieces.

These newest additions include a pair of New Look wedges that are in very good shape but no longer fitted the owner after having a baby and a cute little leopard print purse (Primark). Both perfect for the summer with a floral dress or shorts and a simple tee. Lastly I've worn this mint dress (River Island) on the blog before and after borrowing it more than a few times, my mum gave it to me for good. Pretty things for free, makes my weekend!

Outfit details: Cardigan (Avoca), dress (River Island), boots (River Island)

Hope everyone had a nice weekend, I've been visting me cousins new pet miniature pig, Timmy, I am insanely jealous, someday I'll get one of my own!

P.s. Images property of thriftylilpixie


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Handmade Heaven


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Dublin Zoo

Hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend! I thought I'd share a few pics of what I've been getting up to in the past week since my last post. Apart from working away at my thesis i.e. my final college assignment, I've squeezed in some baking with friends, a day out in Dublin zoo and Phoenix park, watching the whole of series one of Games of Thrones and of course the first episode of the second series (I am addicted thanks to my boyfriend!) and spending time with my family for the long Easter weekend.

Visiting the zoo is one of my favourite things to do when the summer months arrive (bring your student card if you have one Dublin zoo is €15 for adults and €13.50 for students). My favourites are the penguins and the meerkats (I love the compare the meerkat insurance add SIMPLES!). They're opening a new area for lions this summer so I will be back!

Baking brownies with friends so delicious scoffed the lot with some mint icecream, relaxing with my current favourite reads: Glamour mag and A Game of Thrones, is anyone else reading these books, what do you think of the series? My little chocolate Easter bunny from my boyfriend, I can't bring myself to eat him he's just too cute, I've got some other chocolate eggs so he's safe for now anyway :)

My go to outfit at the moment: the ever reliable duffel coat (Dorothy Perkins), floral dress (Primark), fringed boots (River Island) and my new favourite bag. This FCUK bag was a gift I received for my birthday it came as part of a bath and shower set and was crammed full of moisturiser, shower gel, exfoliater and body spray. It's the perfect size for carrying everything I need and I love it's quilted texture.

Happy Easter everyone :)

P.s. All images property of thriftylilpixie
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