...Or at least look at the pictures! I was lucky enough to be given not one but 3 style and design books from my boyfriend for Christmas. These are the kind of books I really enjoy, they're heavy on images and overflowing with inspiration.
I had wanted Style Diaries (Simone Werle) since I first read about it on various blogs and I know it was on many blogger's wishlists. It is incredibly inspiring to see such a diverse collection of unique and stylish bloggers in one book. It's very short on words but the pictures really speak for themselves. One of my favourite elements to this book is how each blogger's small sample of pictures really gives a taste of their style and what their blog is about. Hopefully there will be a follow up to this book, I'd love to see even more bloggers celebrated in this way.

I had wanted Style Diaries (Simone Werle) since I first read about it on various blogs and I know it was on many blogger's wishlists. It is incredibly inspiring to see such a diverse collection of unique and stylish bloggers in one book. It's very short on words but the pictures really speak for themselves. One of my favourite elements to this book is how each blogger's small sample of pictures really gives a taste of their style and what their blog is about. Hopefully there will be a follow up to this book, I'd love to see even more bloggers celebrated in this way.