Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I pledge to read the written word...

...Or at least look at the pictures! I was lucky enough to be given not one but 3 style and design books from my boyfriend for Christmas. These are the kind of books I really enjoy, they're heavy on images and overflowing with inspiration.

I had wanted Style Diaries (Simone Werle) since I first read about it on various blogs and I know it was on many blogger's wishlists. It is incredibly inspiring to see such a diverse collection of unique and stylish bloggers in one book. It's very short on words but the pictures really speak for themselves. One of my favourite elements to this book is how each blogger's small sample of pictures really gives a taste of their style and what their blog is about. Hopefully there will be a follow up to this book, I'd love to see even more bloggers celebrated in this way.


Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy Christmas


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My favourite things about Christmas

There is so much I love about Christmas but Christmas during a recession brings a great deal of extra pressure to people. Buying presents to impress and treat family and friends can quite simply break the bank and there really is no need for it in the current economic climate. When I look back over Christmas' of past I have always been given beautiful presents but there are many other things about Christmas' gone by that have stood out and made them special. I urge everyone for the future to try and shift the emphasis from giving and getting presents to enjoying spending time together and just relaxing. Because there is nothing relaxing or enjoyable about entering the new year in debt is there? Of course this is much more difficult when it comes to cutting down on buying children presents, but for buying for adults we all know about cost and the recession so we should be able to enjoy a Christmas with a little less expenditure.

The things that make Christmas special for me:

-The decorations. Once that Christmas tree goes up Christmas is underway and it's something I associate with fun and magical times. I constantly talk about my love of fairy lights they're just like twinkling stars to me
-The food. There's no food I love more than my mammy's Christmas dinner. There's something really special about sitting round with your family enjoying home cooked food
-Curling up in front of the fire watching Christmas films. My favourites are Home Alone, The Santa Clause, Elf and Charlie and the Chocolate factory. They haven't played Home Alone on tele at Christmas in years though, they're always playing Harry Potter and Love Actually now instead
-The Music. Singing and hearing Christmas songs instantly makes me smile. My absolute favourite is The Pogues Fairytale of New York. Ellie Goulding's version of Your Song on the John Lewis add although not a Christmas song is also beautiful to listen to while getting in the Christmas mood.
-Anything snow related. We don't get snow every year but when a white Christmas arrives it's just magical. I love making snowmen, snow angels, snow ball fights...
-Visiting and spending time with family and friends. This is really what the Christmas season is about for me every single year.

Whether or not presents arrive, Christmas is still Christmas when I get to enjoy it with the people most special to me. What makes Christmas special to you? Is it the smell of Christmas cake cooking or putting up your favourite decorations...

P.s. Image property of thriftylilpixie
P.s.s Follow thriftylilpixie on Blogspot and Bloglovin'

Monday, December 20, 2010

O Christmas Tree

I love our little Christmas tree I couldn't wait to put it up once I returned home for Christmas holidays. It's literally crammed with decorations collected over the years. They're all so special some I remeber from when I was little, others where bought at Christmas fairs or were gifts from family. My favourite decoration of all has to be fairylights though, I love fairylights anytime of the year anywhere at all. They just make everything look so magical. Just a few days left until Christmas, my Advent calender is almost gone and I'm incredibly excited for Christmas eve to arrive.

The weather has gotten unbelievebly cold today, it's going to make going anywhere over Christmas a little tricky and dressing to keep warm without looking ridiculous in a pile of layers is getting to be a challenge. It's tempting to go out with my hotwater bottle in tow whenever it's time to walk the dog. Currently baking cupcakes to decorate with white icing and little snowmen, tis the season for baking and eating lots after all.

My outfit for decorating was a mint green dress and these seriously cosy biker boots. It's just about warm enough for outdoors with a wooly caridgan and top layered underneath. Outfit details: dress (River Island), boots (ebay), cardigan (primark) handmedown.

Here's my favourite Christmas song to spread a little merryness! What's your favourite Christmas song?

P.s. All images property of thriftylilpixie. Video property and sourced from youtube.
Follow thriftylilpixie on Blogspot and Bloglovin

Saturday, December 18, 2010

DIY Christmas Wrapping Paper


Friday, December 10, 2010

On the 10th day of Christmas..


Friday, December 3, 2010

Snow day

Here's a few pictures from the last few days, there's so many more to come. Today was the first day I didn't spend all of it outdoors, it's just way too cold and it hasn't stopped snowing since the morning. Think it's going to be takeaway tonight not able to brace the cold for the hike too the shops today! I've been wearing various versions of this outfit all week, the more layers the better. I've leggings and jeans on here for extra warmth without looking like the Michelin man. Outfit details: Jeans (borrowed from sister), purple long sleeved top (Diesel), Knitted sleeveless cardigan (River Island) borrowed from my mammy, knee socks (primark), hat scarf and mittens (Dunnes Stores)

We watched Charlie and the Chocolate factory last night, the Tim Burton version, to get in the Christmasy mood (technically it's not a Christmas movie but it is ALWAYS played on tv at Christmas). I'm usually a fan of Tim Burton films but the original Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (made in 1971) is by far my favourite. The oompa loompas are far better in the original (and they're my favourite part of the entire film!). I have always loved Roald Dahl's books, George's Marvellous Medicine is my favourite of them all.

This shrub reminded me of a huge Christmas pudding, had to give it a hug on account of that! Can't wait to put up my Christmas tree and decorations next weekend, I better get working on the Christmas presents soon!

P.s. All images property of thriftylilpixie
P.s.s. Follow thriftylilpixie on Blogspot and Bloglovin

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Couple Tattoos

Matching couple tattoos so cute!

1st of December time to crack open the advent calender! Snow is getting heavier and heavier, spent hours today trekking around in the snow taking pictures, will have some up tomorrow there's at least a 100 to go through. Defrosting over a pasta bake by the fire, fingers crossed the pipes don't freeze!

P.s. Images not property of thriftylilpixie. Source the tattoologist
P.s.s. Follow thriftylilpixie on Blogspot and Bloglovin

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wish you well


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Winter Wonderland


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bless the Broken Road

This outfit was one of those that came about when your rooting in the wardrobe and find something you've forgotten you even owned. I bought this skirt at least 6 years ago in a sale for €5, I never wore it because it hung very low on the hips and was very long, it was just very unflattering. So in the interest of recycling and revamping clothes I cut the bottom off and tied a belt around the waist to give it more shape. Voila a new addition to my wardrobe with less than 2 minutes altering and no sewing! Outfit details: skirt (customised), top (hand me down), boots (Aldo), hat (Topshop), tights (Primark), belt (handme down).

Everyday when I turn on the television or the Internet or open a newspaper there seems to be an extraordinary amount of terrible news; first it's the ongoing updates about Ireland's economy, now it's the news about Korea, and of course there's the constantly occurring murders, deaths, natural disasters, hunger, poverty, unimaginable violence...I wish they would just announce maybe one good thing a day, would that really be that difficult, just one nice piece of news? I'm not in denial about any of the devastating events that happen but I think as well as acknowledging the bad there should be some emphasis on celebrating the good. Everyday healthy children are born, people fall in love, get married, people all over the world achieve wonderful things and do kind acts for others everyday, many people are cured from disease and I'd like to hear about that once in a while!

Have a great week! xox

P.s. All images property of thriftylilpixie. Video sourced from and property of youtube. Follow thriftylilpixie on Blogspot and Bloglovin'

Saturday, November 20, 2010



Friday, November 19, 2010

The Final Frontier


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Most stylish laidback dressers 2010

No Internet or television for 5 days but I'm back to blogging at last! Last year I did my own list of stylish woman inspired by Glamour magazines yearly list of most stylish woman. As my own style changes over time so does my style icons, hence here's a new uptodate list of my style influences! As always it's not the glossy glossy style that appeals to me, it's not about how someone dresses on the red carpet after months of planning and help from stylists, it's all about dressing in the moment, dressing for how you feel and your personality. Somedays all you want to do is throw on old jeans and a worn in tshirt and just be comfortable. For me it's the woman that do this and still look original that are truly stylish. So without further ado here's the woman who's laidback, casual style inspired me this year..

Number 20: Kate Moss


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Little Treats

What little treats make your week special?


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Promise This


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Katy Perry Signed Converse!


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Trend: Faux Fur


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pippy Longstockings


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

You've lost your muchness


Monday, October 4, 2010

Bag Lady


Sunday, October 3, 2010



Thursday, September 30, 2010

Happy Anniversary


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy Arthur's Day


Friday, September 17, 2010

In Dublin's Fair City


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Today you are you, that is truer than true

"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you" Dr. Seuss


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Always the bridesmaid


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Eat Pray Love


Saturday, August 28, 2010

By the sea


Friday, August 20, 2010

Star star teach me how to shine shine

Star star teach me how to shine shine
Teach me so I know what's going on in your mind
'Cause I don't understand these people
Who say the hill's to steep
Well they talk and talk forever
But they just never climb
-The Frames, Star Star

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