Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Goddess Experience


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Latest Budget Buys

My summer wardrobe is bursting with budget finds. In the last two days I've unearthed three new pieces I love and I know will work as well in the three other seasons of the year, with the weather all over the place it could be any season right now. Here is my newest finds modelled by my sister. New finds include brown jacket, striped shirt and belt, free winona tshirt, 'the work just keeps pilling up' top, sunglasses, free tee with elle magazine and Love letter necklace. I've mixed new finds with older pieces and borrowed pieces, never be afraid to try mixing clothes from mens wardrobes with your own. When your on a budget you can't be snobbish about where you source your clothes from for example old men's shirts or lumberjack shirts make perfect shirtdresses which is very MJ & Ashley Olsen.

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