Saturday, March 28, 2009

News update for the fashionable minded

What a busy girl I have been this week, what with attending the musical Rent, painting up a storm and busily sketching designs for my miniature label I'm planning to launch soon! I am incredibly excited about this project; its central idea is one of pieces that are unique and completely affordable. It's a label for girls with a consciences and great style. The small collection will consist of primarily beautifully adorned dresses, roomy tanks, precious skirts and colourful fabric carryalls.
For those of you situated in Dublin or visiting the bustling city, Oxfam restyled has been on sale in the George’s Street store since the middle of march and boosts a collection of 50 pieces from ten Irish designers. Each piece is made from items reworked from Oxfam’s recycling bags. The pieces range in price from 40 to 120 euro and are unique and incredibly creative. My favourite includes a two-piece outfit made of bed sheets; it is one of a kind and worth every penny. All proceeds go to Oxfam’s charity work. So that’s recycled, unique, charitable and affordable? I want all 50 pieces now! Not only would I encourage you to buy some of these pieces but it is important that people continue to donate to charity stores whatever their chosen one might be.

The high street is jam packed with eco-minded pieces these days, just last week I purchases organic cotton underwear in Primark for just 3 euro and have been tooting their organic cotton bags around college all year. Organic bra and underwear sets can also be bought from Dunnes Stores. They also sell a selection of organic cotton tees. Other high street stores selling eco wares include H&M which includes recycled fabrics and organic cotton, Warehouse has a beautiful selection of guilt free buys with clothes made from recycled silk, organic cotton, linen and jersey:

Topshop is against the sale of fur, sells some organic pieces and Fairtrade pieces, here’s a selection all of which are incredibly affordable:

New Look are selling organic ruched tops for £6:

M&S is a brilliant choice for those who want to be responsible, their commitment to Fairtrade and organic cotton, linen and wool garments is all a part of it’s five-year “Plan A” eco-plan. It is a member of the ethical trading initiative as is Primark. Their eco buys extend to home ware and food. M&S has used over 25 million recycled waste plastic bottles to make polyester clothing and re-usable shopping bags, they are also recylcing clothes hangers and with Lily Donaldson attached to the brand what's not to love.
It does not stop there; you can be a responsible jewellery shopper also, Peaches Geldof has launched a jewellery range called Made, constructed from made from recycled brass door handles, bath taps, padlocks and more. The designs include unicorns and daisies. Unfortunately it is already sold out and was only launched on March 1st.

Oh and don’t forget to turn of your lights today between half eight and half 9 for earth hour!
(none of these photos belong to me and have been sourced from the stores websites or googole images)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Thrift it, mend it, care for it


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sentimental Fashion


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Looking good for less

The ultimate key to feeling and looking to die for is very simply good skin and hair. The are the canvas to which you apply your makeup of choice, add hats, ribbons, diamonds...and no matter what you wear there they are sitting atop of your current look. With them in tip top shape the plainest outfit can look chic, a pair of blue jeans and a loose white top paired with groomed shining hair and a glowing complexion is never goes out of style or favour. Achieving this need not be expensive or time costly, in fact in my experience its about not doing rather than doing. Sometimes what you can make yourself is just as good as what can be bought. Here's my guide to feeling fabulous on a non existent budget
The golden rules
Avoid hair appliances as much as you can manage because honey it can burn you hair to a crisp.
Speaking of honey it is loved by Catherine Zeta Jones as a part of her beauty regime, on her skin mixed with sugar and rinsing her hair mixed with beer.
Take a break from make up at least one day a week and when you do wear it remove it PROPERLY.
Drink water and homemade juices and smoothies. I don't care what all those shop bought juices say about being natural and packed with vitamins, I will always prefer a homemade one where I can see everything that goes into it. For a skin tonic include carrot and spinach. Swap tea for herbal teas especially green tea.
Wear sunscreen religiously, prevents cancer and wrinkles, I've also heard of women applying margerine and butter to their faces and apparently it does wonders to prevent wrinkles in the future.
Cleanse, tone and moisturize I recommend 'simple' because it's gentle to sensitive skin.
To get instant shine to your hair when washing your hair, blast it for a few seconds at the end with cold water, this also is great for your body.
Detoxing every now and then is heaven for your body and appearance and it can all be done at home (more of this in further posts), some great detoxing juices include apple and carrot juice; chop 4 carrots and 2 green apples, juice and drink immediately. Raspberry and peach juice; a handful of raspberries and 2 peaches washed and stoned and juiced. Tomato juice; just 6 tomatoes juiced.

Kitchen cosmetics
I urge you to check out It takes items you'll find in your kitchen so as lemons, bananas, coffee, oranges, avocado.. Items that are dirt cheap and provides homemade beauty ingredients that are effective and natural.
I have very sensitive skin and find exfoliators very irritating but I find homemade natural exfoliators do the trick. My mother thought me to use sugar or salt mixed with olive oil to sort out tanning disasters or remove dead hard skin from the feet and my good is it money saving. A salt body scrub not only removes dead skin and clears pores but also stimulates circulation and the removal of toxins from the lymphatic system and stimulates cell renewal.
Now its not found in the kitchen but for those who don't want to fork out on dry shampoos and have baby powder lying around apply it to greasy roots and comb through.
Homemade face masks are cheap, rewarding and smell divine. the Internet is awash with recipes one of my favourites is for oily spot prone skin and includes 1 grated apple and 5 tp of warmed honey mixed together and applied to the face for 10 minutes and removed with warm water.
Applying natural yogurt to the face also works wonders.
Food guide
If your skin is dry eat leafy greens, bananas, broccoli, fish and sesame.
If your skin is spotty eat yogurt and tofu
Reduce red meat, caffeine, dairy, fast food and sugary food and add more fruit, green vegetables and whole grain.
To reduce dryness, wrinkles and bags eat fish such as salmon and seafood at least twice a week.
For brittle hair eat carrots, lettuce, peppers, strawberries, apples, onions, peas, spinach and green tea.

P.S: On another note this picture brought quite a smile to my face, I've always loved Vivenne Westwood and admired her for doing her own thing regardless of whats in or out or trendy. Fair play to Pammy I'm loving the dress but I would not wear those socks, ghastly.

(none of the above pictures are mine and have been sourced from vogue and google images)
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