Thank you Brambles & Rambles for the incredibly cute award

I'm going to pass it on to Mind over Matter,The GLOSS and EmilysoEnchanted.
As money gets increasingly tight I'm really starting to feel the creative juices flowing (hmm that sounds quiet unpleasant). Forever in search of beautiful objects to surround myself with I was on a quest to acquire some decorations for my boudoir. Much to my distain is the hefty prices for common as muck prints of Monet's and Van Gogh's, and after paying out for these prints what would I really be getting? Not a unique piece that's for sure or something that visits would be curious about. Thank goodness for the likes of where you can buy one of a kind creations for reasonable prices. Unfortunately in my case with the aforementioned money problem I needed to be even more resourceful and create my very own one of a kind creations for my home. I managed to nab some canvases in Alidi for just a merge 6 euro for 2. I prefer to paint in water colour as I feel it adds romance and fluidity, also I have included another piece I did in oil pastel when I was younger, my love of colour is very evident I think I must have used every colour pastel I own! The horses decorate my sisters room I painted them for her as a gift. A simple painting no matter what your skill is is a thoughtful and much appreciated gift. And it's cheap! Now I'm no Di Vinci that's for sure but I love the feeling I get hanging a painting I did all by myself.

All the above paintings are my work except for the last one which is my very favourite. It was painted by my boyfriend an incredibly talented artist who's work I adore, this piece hangs above my bed and it's sinister, haunting and a true one of a kind.
Theres nothing like a birthday to induce financial pressure, but last week as one of my flatmates turned 19 I managed to avoid financial failure and still was able to mark the day. This cake created by my boyfriend and I is nice and naughty and only cost 6 euro in comparison to the decorated cakes our local store was selling for between 15 and 18 euro. The C stands for Caoimhe he birthday girl and I'm sure you can work oy for yourself what the cream is meant to be. It definitely caused a lot more laughter than the pricier alternative. A little creativity can go a long way.


I'm going to pass it on to Mind over Matter,The GLOSS and EmilysoEnchanted.
As money gets increasingly tight I'm really starting to feel the creative juices flowing (hmm that sounds quiet unpleasant). Forever in search of beautiful objects to surround myself with I was on a quest to acquire some decorations for my boudoir. Much to my distain is the hefty prices for common as muck prints of Monet's and Van Gogh's, and after paying out for these prints what would I really be getting? Not a unique piece that's for sure or something that visits would be curious about. Thank goodness for the likes of where you can buy one of a kind creations for reasonable prices. Unfortunately in my case with the aforementioned money problem I needed to be even more resourceful and create my very own one of a kind creations for my home. I managed to nab some canvases in Alidi for just a merge 6 euro for 2. I prefer to paint in water colour as I feel it adds romance and fluidity, also I have included another piece I did in oil pastel when I was younger, my love of colour is very evident I think I must have used every colour pastel I own! The horses decorate my sisters room I painted them for her as a gift. A simple painting no matter what your skill is is a thoughtful and much appreciated gift. And it's cheap! Now I'm no Di Vinci that's for sure but I love the feeling I get hanging a painting I did all by myself.

All the above paintings are my work except for the last one which is my very favourite. It was painted by my boyfriend an incredibly talented artist who's work I adore, this piece hangs above my bed and it's sinister, haunting and a true one of a kind.
Theres nothing like a birthday to induce financial pressure, but last week as one of my flatmates turned 19 I managed to avoid financial failure and still was able to mark the day. This cake created by my boyfriend and I is nice and naughty and only cost 6 euro in comparison to the decorated cakes our local store was selling for between 15 and 18 euro. The C stands for Caoimhe he birthday girl and I'm sure you can work oy for yourself what the cream is meant to be. It definitely caused a lot more laughter than the pricier alternative. A little creativity can go a long way.
