Saturday, November 21, 2009

Buy Organic or Fairtrade Cotton

Just today I came across a great site called a website dedicated to providing information about fashion that is ethical sustainable and still beautiful (all things that are very important to me). When browsing the site I came across something that really unnerved me:
'200,000 cotton farmers commit suicide every year due to the debt they find themselves in.
Buying organic or fairtrade cotton ensures a fair price for the farmer and his family'
I already felt organic and fairtrade products are esstenial and it is hugely important to try and purchase them regualary, but never did I realise the impact of buying cotton clothing could have such an impact on others lives. Everyting we buy has a impact on the world around us we must make smarter choices.

P.S. Image and information sourced from

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Sartorialist in Dublin

How excited and proud I was to see Ireland's women getting style acknowledgment from such an influential man in the fashion world. I love these women's unique and refreshing style and their very real and natural beauty, they protray a confident, individual Irish woman who dresses for herself not for the trends.

The second picture makes me wonder why why why would anyone not like freckles...Why????? Love your freckles people!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Guilt free Gift


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I'm a broken record


Friday, September 4, 2009

I want some boots boots


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Meat Free Mondays

I have become very much obsessed with the environment and always have been to some extent, a few years ago my parents found it incredibly amusing that instead of clothes and money I was demanded a compost bin, not very vogue but there's nothing fashionable about waste and landfills. An article in 'The Sunday Business Post' regarding meat consumption really caught my eye. I am not the vegetarian type I practically inhale red meat but reading this article made me want to make a few changes. According to the article and the UN, meat production accounts for more greenhouses gases being pumped into the atmosphere than the transport that we all thought was so sinful. Meat production accounts for 18% of theses gases, while cars, buses and aeroplanes produce 13%. The article was cramped with other worrying facts such as 'Livestock rearing can use up to 200 times more water per kilogram of meat than in a kilo of grain'. With the impending threat of water shortages in our future surely reducing my meat consumption is just as urgent as switching off lights and turning appliances of standby, something we are constantly advised to do to be more Eco friendly and yet when meat is such a large contributor to our problem why haven't we been hearing as much about it?
The clearance of rainforest's to aid our appetite for meat was what gave me the biggest wake up call; Apparently 70% of forests in the amazon have been cleared for livestock grazing and a further 500 million hectares will be converted in the same way up to 2020 in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America.
I will probably never be a vegetarian no matter how much my conscience would plead with me to be but I am adamant to make a change, a Meat Free Monday campaign has been launched in Britain and I intend to follow suit. If you've got the will power to completely cut out meat you are contributing greatly to change, while vegetarianism is not for everyone, cutting out meat just one day a week can be.
For more information see, supporters of the campaign include Paul McCartney, Sir Richard Branson, Kate Bosworth, Ricky Gervais and Stella McCartney.

P.s. Images sourced from google images

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Wedding Bells


Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Goddess Experience


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Latest Budget Buys

My summer wardrobe is bursting with budget finds. In the last two days I've unearthed three new pieces I love and I know will work as well in the three other seasons of the year, with the weather all over the place it could be any season right now. Here is my newest finds modelled by my sister. New finds include brown jacket, striped shirt and belt, free winona tshirt, 'the work just keeps pilling up' top, sunglasses, free tee with elle magazine and Love letter necklace. I've mixed new finds with older pieces and borrowed pieces, never be afraid to try mixing clothes from mens wardrobes with your own. When your on a budget you can't be snobbish about where you source your clothes from for example old men's shirts or lumberjack shirts make perfect shirtdresses which is very MJ & Ashley Olsen.


Monday, June 29, 2009

Italy 2009


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Trend: Daytime Sequins

The new trend for casual sequins is welcome news for anyone strapped for cash as it means real overlapping can take place between your going out clothing and your casual clothing. Beyonce is a prime example for this trend with her current penchant for sequined skirts, for example this green Gryphon Sequin Mini Skirt:


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Boyzone Better Tour


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Most stylish laidback dressers

It's been so long hasn't it, but I have been so very busy with college and going back to work, house hunting and piles of study...Anyway I'm back and inspired my glamour magazine's list of most stylish women (with Cheryl a deserving winner)I'm compiling my own list of 20 most stylish women, women that have effortless style, great attitude and many who's look inspire my own style. The style that really captures my eye is a little sloppy at times, isn't a slave to trends and is smacking with personality. It's not really women that look amazing at some red carpet event plastered with makeup and wearing the most sought after designer garments, it's women who look great as themselves sans stylist or preparation, those who look great just living their lives without thinking to much about it.
Number 20: My Sister (she may not be rich and famous but her penchant for sport pieces, popping colours, big shades and big hair with quirky accessories make her a style star in my eyes).


Friday, April 17, 2009

Matthew Williamson for H&M

The first round of Matthew Williamson's collection for H&M will be available from April 23rd, followed by a summer range mid-May. I am in love with this collection, the eye popping colours, luxurious fabrics and adornments such as sequins. It captures the very essence of Matthew Williamson but minus the high end price tag. Unlike many designers collections for the high street the designs don't sacrifice any of his trademark style or the sheer fun his clothing exudes. And with one of my favourite models; Daria Werbowy featuring in the add campaign I am completely sold. The studded belts are so on trend very Balmain and versatile to wear with everything from floaty dresses to cut offs denim shorts and baggy tees. These pieces can take you everywhere from the pub in the case of the cropped leather jacket, to a summer wedding in the patterned maxidress, in style.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Karma karma karma chameleon


Monday, April 6, 2009

Irish talent and Miss Moss

Apologies for the delay in posting but poor little me had a touch of poor health, however now that I’m back in flying form I shall blog away to my hearts content!
The eighth season of Dublin Fashion Week took place between the 30th of march and April the 2nd, and among the various events taking place, including catwalk shows by Peter O’Brien, Richard Lewis, Lainey Keogh and Sinead Mackey.
Unfortunately and undeserving Ireland is not exactly world famous for its fashion and style and what a great pitying as Ireland is dripping with Talent. It boosts the likes of John Rocha, Philip Tracey and Joanne Hynes, Orla Kiely, Paul Costello and Pauric Sweeney. Will DFW help Irish fashion to gain greater respect and interest on an international? Some have criticized DFW for being beneficial to established designers and not to the up and coming stars. I have decided to have a little celebration of what Ireland has to offer with a tiny selection of designs by two of Ireland’s gems.

Dress from Joanne Hynes current collection

Pauric Sweeney handbags, that man is a bag god!
If in search of new talent and unique Irish designs (and I’m not talking Aran jumpers and tweed) I recommend checking out Cow’s Lane Market that has just relaunched on the 14th of March. The Designer Market comprises of 34 artists and designers in total. Also try the cow’s lane designer studio located in the old city centre of Dublin’s Temple bar. Just a selection of the Designer Mart Studio designers are: Jennifer Kiernan - Beaded Glass Jewellery/Clothing/Fabrics, Sian Jacobs - Clothes Designer, Ann Tyrell - Beaded Jewellery, Shanna Saliba - Silver & Semi-precious Jewellery, John Shevlin - Hand made hats – Millner, Simon Bradley - Photographer Raquel Hernandez - Paikel Designs - Clothes/Jewellery/knitwear/bags, Aideen Roche - Knitted croche and croche jewellery, Fiona Archibald - Fi Fi La Rue Clothes Design and Katherine Quin - Clothes Design

And now a little fashion not quite so local, I have to say I quite like Kate Moss spring/summer to 2009 collection for Topshop more so then any of her previous collections, admittidly I have never got that exicted about her ranges for the store but there is something about one or two pieces in this collection that has me changing my mind. This is her 9th collection for the store and has lost none of her usual stamp of carefree style. I don’t tend to steer towards here collection although beautiful as it just wouldn’t look the same on any poor customer could something that looks upper chic and original on moss just look well boring on many of us? Will she manage to keep her fashion boat a sailing in this recession and Topshop continue to pedal her style to thousands throughout the coming seasons…However the times might change I don’t think miss moss’s fans will waver. And I’m quite taken with her little anchor tat on her wrist in the collection’s photos.

I am loving the girl’s style that here and Grazia single out on their style hunt in the current issue, it’s great to see attention being placed on girls with enviable style that are not famous or loaded.

I feel like upping my fashion game something serious!
P.S. none of these images belong to me and where sourced from google images.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

News update for the fashionable minded

What a busy girl I have been this week, what with attending the musical Rent, painting up a storm and busily sketching designs for my miniature label I'm planning to launch soon! I am incredibly excited about this project; its central idea is one of pieces that are unique and completely affordable. It's a label for girls with a consciences and great style. The small collection will consist of primarily beautifully adorned dresses, roomy tanks, precious skirts and colourful fabric carryalls.
For those of you situated in Dublin or visiting the bustling city, Oxfam restyled has been on sale in the George’s Street store since the middle of march and boosts a collection of 50 pieces from ten Irish designers. Each piece is made from items reworked from Oxfam’s recycling bags. The pieces range in price from 40 to 120 euro and are unique and incredibly creative. My favourite includes a two-piece outfit made of bed sheets; it is one of a kind and worth every penny. All proceeds go to Oxfam’s charity work. So that’s recycled, unique, charitable and affordable? I want all 50 pieces now! Not only would I encourage you to buy some of these pieces but it is important that people continue to donate to charity stores whatever their chosen one might be.

The high street is jam packed with eco-minded pieces these days, just last week I purchases organic cotton underwear in Primark for just 3 euro and have been tooting their organic cotton bags around college all year. Organic bra and underwear sets can also be bought from Dunnes Stores. They also sell a selection of organic cotton tees. Other high street stores selling eco wares include H&M which includes recycled fabrics and organic cotton, Warehouse has a beautiful selection of guilt free buys with clothes made from recycled silk, organic cotton, linen and jersey:

Topshop is against the sale of fur, sells some organic pieces and Fairtrade pieces, here’s a selection all of which are incredibly affordable:

New Look are selling organic ruched tops for £6:

M&S is a brilliant choice for those who want to be responsible, their commitment to Fairtrade and organic cotton, linen and wool garments is all a part of it’s five-year “Plan A” eco-plan. It is a member of the ethical trading initiative as is Primark. Their eco buys extend to home ware and food. M&S has used over 25 million recycled waste plastic bottles to make polyester clothing and re-usable shopping bags, they are also recylcing clothes hangers and with Lily Donaldson attached to the brand what's not to love.
It does not stop there; you can be a responsible jewellery shopper also, Peaches Geldof has launched a jewellery range called Made, constructed from made from recycled brass door handles, bath taps, padlocks and more. The designs include unicorns and daisies. Unfortunately it is already sold out and was only launched on March 1st.

Oh and don’t forget to turn of your lights today between half eight and half 9 for earth hour!
(none of these photos belong to me and have been sourced from the stores websites or googole images)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Thrift it, mend it, care for it


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sentimental Fashion


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Looking good for less

The ultimate key to feeling and looking to die for is very simply good skin and hair. The are the canvas to which you apply your makeup of choice, add hats, ribbons, diamonds...and no matter what you wear there they are sitting atop of your current look. With them in tip top shape the plainest outfit can look chic, a pair of blue jeans and a loose white top paired with groomed shining hair and a glowing complexion is never goes out of style or favour. Achieving this need not be expensive or time costly, in fact in my experience its about not doing rather than doing. Sometimes what you can make yourself is just as good as what can be bought. Here's my guide to feeling fabulous on a non existent budget
The golden rules
Avoid hair appliances as much as you can manage because honey it can burn you hair to a crisp.
Speaking of honey it is loved by Catherine Zeta Jones as a part of her beauty regime, on her skin mixed with sugar and rinsing her hair mixed with beer.
Take a break from make up at least one day a week and when you do wear it remove it PROPERLY.
Drink water and homemade juices and smoothies. I don't care what all those shop bought juices say about being natural and packed with vitamins, I will always prefer a homemade one where I can see everything that goes into it. For a skin tonic include carrot and spinach. Swap tea for herbal teas especially green tea.
Wear sunscreen religiously, prevents cancer and wrinkles, I've also heard of women applying margerine and butter to their faces and apparently it does wonders to prevent wrinkles in the future.
Cleanse, tone and moisturize I recommend 'simple' because it's gentle to sensitive skin.
To get instant shine to your hair when washing your hair, blast it for a few seconds at the end with cold water, this also is great for your body.
Detoxing every now and then is heaven for your body and appearance and it can all be done at home (more of this in further posts), some great detoxing juices include apple and carrot juice; chop 4 carrots and 2 green apples, juice and drink immediately. Raspberry and peach juice; a handful of raspberries and 2 peaches washed and stoned and juiced. Tomato juice; just 6 tomatoes juiced.

Kitchen cosmetics
I urge you to check out It takes items you'll find in your kitchen so as lemons, bananas, coffee, oranges, avocado.. Items that are dirt cheap and provides homemade beauty ingredients that are effective and natural.
I have very sensitive skin and find exfoliators very irritating but I find homemade natural exfoliators do the trick. My mother thought me to use sugar or salt mixed with olive oil to sort out tanning disasters or remove dead hard skin from the feet and my good is it money saving. A salt body scrub not only removes dead skin and clears pores but also stimulates circulation and the removal of toxins from the lymphatic system and stimulates cell renewal.
Now its not found in the kitchen but for those who don't want to fork out on dry shampoos and have baby powder lying around apply it to greasy roots and comb through.
Homemade face masks are cheap, rewarding and smell divine. the Internet is awash with recipes one of my favourites is for oily spot prone skin and includes 1 grated apple and 5 tp of warmed honey mixed together and applied to the face for 10 minutes and removed with warm water.
Applying natural yogurt to the face also works wonders.
Food guide
If your skin is dry eat leafy greens, bananas, broccoli, fish and sesame.
If your skin is spotty eat yogurt and tofu
Reduce red meat, caffeine, dairy, fast food and sugary food and add more fruit, green vegetables and whole grain.
To reduce dryness, wrinkles and bags eat fish such as salmon and seafood at least twice a week.
For brittle hair eat carrots, lettuce, peppers, strawberries, apples, onions, peas, spinach and green tea.

P.S: On another note this picture brought quite a smile to my face, I've always loved Vivenne Westwood and admired her for doing her own thing regardless of whats in or out or trendy. Fair play to Pammy I'm loving the dress but I would not wear those socks, ghastly.

(none of the above pictures are mine and have been sourced from vogue and google images)

Saturday, February 28, 2009

A little creativity goes a long way.

Thank you Brambles & Rambles for the incredibly cute award

I'm going to pass it on to Mind over Matter,The GLOSS and EmilysoEnchanted.
As money gets increasingly tight I'm really starting to feel the creative juices flowing (hmm that sounds quiet unpleasant). Forever in search of beautiful objects to surround myself with I was on a quest to acquire some decorations for my boudoir. Much to my distain is the hefty prices for common as muck prints of Monet's and Van Gogh's, and after paying out for these prints what would I really be getting? Not a unique piece that's for sure or something that visits would be curious about. Thank goodness for the likes of where you can buy one of a kind creations for reasonable prices. Unfortunately in my case with the aforementioned money problem I needed to be even more resourceful and create my very own one of a kind creations for my home. I managed to nab some canvases in Alidi for just a merge 6 euro for 2. I prefer to paint in water colour as I feel it adds romance and fluidity, also I have included another piece I did in oil pastel when I was younger, my love of colour is very evident I think I must have used every colour pastel I own! The horses decorate my sisters room I painted them for her as a gift. A simple painting no matter what your skill is is a thoughtful and much appreciated gift. And it's cheap! Now I'm no Di Vinci that's for sure but I love the feeling I get hanging a painting I did all by myself.

All the above paintings are my work except for the last one which is my very favourite. It was painted by my boyfriend an incredibly talented artist who's work I adore, this piece hangs above my bed and it's sinister, haunting and a true one of a kind.
Theres nothing like a birthday to induce financial pressure, but last week as one of my flatmates turned 19 I managed to avoid financial failure and still was able to mark the day. This cake created by my boyfriend and I is nice and naughty and only cost 6 euro in comparison to the decorated cakes our local store was selling for between 15 and 18 euro. The C stands for Caoimhe he birthday girl and I'm sure you can work oy for yourself what the cream is meant to be. It definitely caused a lot more laughter than the pricier alternative. A little creativity can go a long way.

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